Watch Trailer For X-Mens Horror Spinoff New Mutants - 27reservation

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Watch Trailer For X-Mens Horror Spinoff New Mutants

X-Men meet the horror genre in the first trailer for The New Mutants, an upcoming Marvel movie about mutant teenagers trapped and tested on in a secret facility.

New Mutants, an Eighties spinoff of X-Men, features lesser-known characters like Magick (played by Anya Taylor-Joy), Wolfsbane (Game of Thrones Maisie Williams), Cannonball (Charlie Heaton), Mirage (Blu Hunt) and Sunspot (Henry Zaga).

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As seen in the trailer, which is laced with the childrens vocals from Pink Floyds Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, the teens grapple with their special abilities within the confines of the spooky institution.

Did you know baby rattlesnakes are more dangerous than adult ones, Alice Bragas Cecilia Reyes character tells one of the mutants. They dont know how much venom to secrete.

The New Mutants was directed by The Fault of the Stars Josh Boone, who wanted to create a full-fledged horror movie set within the X-Men universe. The film opens April 13th.

The film is the latest in a series of X-Men spinoffs both on the big screen and on TV: In addition to the rebooted X-Men films and the just-completed franchise dedicated to Wolverine, FX turned the lines Legion into a series led by Fargos Noah Hawley and Fox will bring The Gifted to TV this fall.

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