Sarah Silvermans workis known for eliciting laughs, not tears. But theacclaimed stand-up and comic actress has taken a creative detour by starring in theintense addiction dramaI Smile Back, which premiered at the 2015 Sundance Film Festival. In the latest installment of Off the Cuff, Rolling Stone movie critic Peter Travers talks to Silverman about her dramatic break-out role.
There really is no evidence of me the comedian in this movie, Silverman says in the above video, before describing her character. ([She]is a mom and housewife smart and living the life in suburbia. And a drug addict and a manic-depressive, I would say.)
Elsewhere, the actressruminates on the unexpected challenge of filming such emotionally heavy scenes during four-week shoots. It actually is a bummer to be in a drama that has bummer scenes, she says, noting that on off-days, she would come home and go straight to bed, watchLaw & Order.
As the conversation veers, Silverman discusses her full-on phobia of drunk people, noting that she bolts at the first sign of drunkenness at any kind of event. (If forced to stay at a party, she usually tries to seek out a comedy corner with friends likeJack Black and Jason Sudeikis.) She also confessesher addiction to television whether its heady stuff likeGame of Thronesand Mad Menor whatevers on USA.
Check out ourSundance page for complete coverage of the 2015 festival.
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