Watch Brad Pitt, Steve Carell Battle the Banks in Big Short Trailer - 27reservation

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Watch Brad Pitt, Steve Carell Battle the Banks in Big Short Trailer


Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling and Brad Pitt scheme against fatcat financial institutions in the engrossing trailer for The Big Short, Adam McKays upcoming film about the buildup to the 2007 2008 Wall Street crisis.

Based on Michael Lewis book of the same name, The Big Short recounts the stories of several prescient Wall Street types who exploited the fraudulent practices of big banks, bet against them and made a killing while the economy collapsed. Bale plays Michael Burry, a neurologist-turned-hedge-fund-manager, who recognized the weakness of subprime mortgages as early as 2005, while Carell, Gosling and Pitt respectively play money manager Steve Eisman, Deutsche bank trader Greg Lippmannand Cornwall Capital trader Ben Hockett.

Understandably, the trailer doesnt delve into the intricacies of how these men used credit default swaps to short the market. But it is aptly set to Led Zeppelins When The Levee Breaks and blends hushed predictions of financial ruin, blustery accusations of fraud and greed, and plenty of Wolf of Wall Street-style excess and extravagance.

Your not going to be able re-finance! Carell warns a stripper at the end of the clip. On all my loans? she asks. What do you mean, all your loans,' Eisman replies, before receiving an answer that leaves him incredulous: I have five houses and a condo.

Along with its main players, The Big Shortsstacked cast also includes Marisa Tomei, Melissa Leo, Selena Gomez, Karen Gillan and Max Greenfield. McKay also co-wrote the script alongside Charles Randolph (Love and Other Drugs). According to Deadline, The Big Short will have a limited run starting December 11th with a wide release scheduled for December 23rd.

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