Even though Hillary Clinton won big over Democratic opponent Bernie Sanderson Super Tuesday, rock legend Graham Nashis encouraging Americans to keep Feeling the Bern.
I want to tell you something about Bernie Sanders. As far as Im concerned, his campaign has always been about ordinary people, ordinary Americans trying to make a living, trying to feed their kids, trying to educate their kids in a better way, he says in a new video supporting the Vermont senator. He seems to be one of us. And I must tell you that Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, even Hillary Clinton theyre not one of us. Bernie is one of us.'
Nash elaborated on his reasons for supporting Sanders toRolling Stone.Bernies stance on income inequality is one of the main reasons I support him, he says. His disdain of political corruption strikes a deep chord in my soul. He recognizes that until we get campaign finances sorted out and we get Citizens United overturned, it will be a difficult time for all Americans.
The former CSNY member also added, If he wanted to use my music, Id be honored to let him use it.
As Sanders popularity has grown, numerous musicians have spoken out in the candidates favor from rapper Killer Mike to Red Hot Chili Peppers bassist Flea to Nashs former bandmates David Crosby and Neil Young. A full list is available at Sanders website under the section Artists for Bernie.
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