Watch Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Return in Ghostbusters Teaser - 27reservation

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Watch Stay Puft Marshmallow Man Return in Ghostbusters Teaser

The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man became the iconic symbol of 1984s Ghosbusters, and the towering destructor makes a return cameo in the upcoming remake, terrorizing the streets of New York City. The symbol that defined a generation is getting an upgrade, promises a new teaser for the Paul Feig-directed remake, out July 15th.

Sony and Columbia Pictures have released a round of new TV spots for the reboot, which stars Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. Another finds the Ghostbusters being hounded by an NYC cop. You saw a ghost, like that movie with Patrick Swayze? he cracks. Yeah, he was behind me, and we made a vase! McCarthy fires back.

McCarthy and Wiig reminisce about their awkward teenage years in a third clip. In high school, the other kids were going to parties, and we were like, Thats stupid!' McCarthy recalls. Plus, Wiig adds, we were never invited to the parties.

The all-female Ghostbusters crew united with several cast members from the original film Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson and Annie Potts earlier this month on Jimmy Kimmel Live!

It sorta rumbles along in the beginning, and youre going, Oh God are they going to pull this off,' Murray said of the reboot. No! Believe me, I feel like a stepfather to the whole thing. There is just no quit in these girls.

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