Jimmy Falloncoerced a charming Robert De Niro impression out of Martin Scorseseon The Tonight ShowWednesday as the director discussed his friendship with the famed actor.
Fallon, as he told Scorsese, has done his fair share of De Niro impressionsover the years In front of him, and behind his back, he cracked and asked the director if hed cultivated one after working with the actor for so long.
While Scorsese demurred at first, he said of his relationship with De Niro, Over the years, we kind of, somehow, melted into each other in a way. The directorthen notedthat De Niros interaction with Frank Vincent during the shinebox scenein Goodfellashas become part of his own repertoire, and proceeded to deliver anon-point, Well, you did insult him a little bit, followed by a threateningly casual: Ok!
Scorsese also stuck around for a round of The Tonight Shows game, 5-Second Summaries, in whichthe guest and the host have five seconds to describe the plot of a movie without using the title or any actor names. While the directors wealth of film knowledge helped him speedily nameTheWizard of OzandThe Revenant, hisfamiliarity with film tropes backfired ashe tried to describeCasablanca to Fallon: Soft-hearted tough guy in love with the heros wife, and everybodys noble.
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