Acclaimed director and Texas native Richard Linklaterdirected a sharp new PSA to fight a proposed bathroom bill making its way through the Texas legislature.
Dubbed the Texas Privacy Act, SB6 seeks to ban transgender people from using the restroom that aligns with their gender identity. The diverse cast in Linklaters new spot explains that the bill is not about privacy, but discrimination, and points out the detrimental effects such a policy could have on state businesses (We damn sure aint gonna end up like North Carolina, one cowboy says). The clip also boasts a clever tagline, I Pee With LGBT, plus a few equally cheeky variations: You gotta take a seat to make a stand and You gotta spray it, to say it.
Per the Austin Statesman, the PSA was made for the ACLU of Texas and Legacy Community Health, a nonprofit health center with clinics across Southeast Texas.
Along with Linklaters PSA, other celebrities have joined the fight to stop SB6. Earlier this month, 140 stars, including Lady Gaga, Laverne Cox, Jennifer Lawrence and Alicia Keys, signed an open letter protesting the bathroom bill and other anti-LGBTQ legislation in Texas. The bill has also drawn criticism LGBTQ advocacy groups and others, including the NFL. After hosting the Super Bowl in Houston this year, the league suggested it would not consider Texas for future championship games if the bill becomes law.
The reaction to the Texas bill mirrors the response to North Carolinas infamous HB2, which sparked a massive backlash among musicians and sports leagues. Most recently, the NCAA threatened to disallow North Carolina from hosting any championship events through 2022 after the states reluctance to repeal HB2.
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