For reasons that will be obvious to anyone whos already seen The Force Awakens, Mark Hamill was somewhat reluctant to do an interview for Rolling Stones recent Star Wars cover story. But in the end, he agreed, and in late October, just as the world was starting to wonder about the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker, the guy who plays him was sitting at a table in his tree-lined Malibu yard, wearing Batman-themed Converse sneakers. Hamill was just starting to regrow his Jedi beard for the follow-up, Episode VIII which would soon need him on set. He had shaved to play the Trickster on the new season of The Flash, and had to ask Lucasfilms permission to do so. The bottom line was if I couldnt grow it back fast enough, I couldnt do the part, says Hamill, 64. Luckily, I have 10 weeks, so fingers crossed! Heres more from his interview:
The weird part about all of this is that George Lucas told you during the filming of the original Star Wars that youd be needed as Luke again in your 60s.
And he told me he cobbled it down from 12 movies! Now, remind you, this is idle time between shots in North Africa [laughs]. At this point, Ive only known George like a week or less, maybe 10 days. I said, Why are you starting in the middle? Its crazy. At that point, it wasnt called A New Hope; it was Episode IV: The Adventures of Luke Skywalker as Taken from the Journal of the Whills, Saga #1. Then it was The Star Wars; by the time I get the shooting script, it says Star Wars. And George said, Well, because this part of the trilogy, this one is the most commercial. Oh, okay. [Laughs] And now hes disputed this. He said, I was pulling Marks leg.
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But he was talking about sequels already, right?
Yeah, and Im thinking, Oh really? Cause all he said, Would you think about doing a cameo? Handing down Excalibur to the next generation? Which gives you at least an insight into what he was thinking about. Anyway, thats the only significance of that story. It was not like it was something you take to the bank, like you rush home and call your agent say, Hey, guess what? In 2011, Ive got another job!
Much later, Lucas said the prequels would be the end of it. But in the back of your mind did you still think youd be back?
Its funny I had conflicting thoughts because, number one, I thought nobody lets a really potent property languish on the shelf when its begging to be exploited, with the novels and the games and you name it. I mean, its a huge canvas. But then I thought even if they go forward, theyre not gonna use us. Itll be about the next generation, as it should be. Its not about getting the band together and hitting the road again. And thats mixed in with the fact that he told us flat-out, Ive changed my mind. Im not doing the last three. When Episode III is over, thats it. Im not doing these things into my 70s.
Now, all of this gets blended in my mind because part of it is I read whats on the Internet and so forth. I do remember him saying the words, I dont wanna be doing these in my 70s. What I didnt foresee is him selling the company. When he told us all this in the summer of 2012, he had lunch with all of us and said
All of you together?
No. What happened was we were in Anaheim at one of the Star Wars celebrations; Carrie was there, I was there with my daughter and wife, and George wanted to have lunch with us. I said, Well, somethings up, and my wife jokingly said, Hes probably gonna do another trilogy. And I have to tell you, I feel embarrassed now, because I just laughed derisively at how stupid that idea was. No, look. Come on, lets get real. They had to be nice to us when they wanted us to do the DVD extras, remember that? Its gonna be something like that.
So when he actually said the words, so matter-of-factly: Well, I dont know what you know but Ive decided to sell the company, Kathleen Kennedys gonna take over and theyre gonna wanna be doing another trilogy. And if you dont wanna be in it, you dont have to be. Were not gonna recast; we just write your characters out. Within 30, 40 seconds, Carrie goes, Im in! [Laughs] And she then asked about whether theres a part for Billie, her daughter.
And how did you end up reacting?
Now Im still sort of in like a state of shock. I have a good poker face and I was determined defiantly not to register any kind of emotion whatsoever. I was going to a be completely a blank canvas.
[Sighs] You know, were all in a great place and weve all done it before, there was a beginning, a middle and end. You have to think about all the aspects of it cause, you know, if you wanna maintain a low profile, this isnt the best way to do it. [Laughs] And I had sort of got into a niche where I did my voiceovers and I could do theater when I wanted to. I mean, all along the way Ive been having a really great time and doing a lot of interesting stuff. Its just that people dont really pay a lot of attention.
Well, the geek world certainly does.
Oh, no, believe me, I have the most supportive backup. It sounds corny but over the course of my life to have this happen in a way that people are, you know its like if I hadnt gone through the Beatles I wouldnt understand it. And Im not comparing myself to them in any way, shape or form, but in terms of disproportionate reverence for something that you cant explain, where you wanna know where they live and what they eat. I call em UPFs: the Ultra Passionate Fan. Cause theres fans who like the movie and, go, It was well done and I enjoyed myself. Now I wanna see the James Bond and then there are the UPFs. Its changed their lives: I got into movies because of this, or I met my wife online [because of Star Wars].
Its truly moving, you know, and its remarkable and it doesnt lessen over time. Because Star Wars never went away. And I understand obsessive-compulsive entertainment impulses. I have many, many, many, many of them.
Youre also beloved for voicing the Joker in Batman cartoons.
To be the icon of virtue in this one fantasy and then youre the villain in another it was too ultimate for me. When I begged to be on the Batman show, I was thinking like Hugo Strange or Clayface or somebody theyd never done before. When they said they want you to audition for the Joker, I thought holy moly, theres no way you can do this and not disappoint a large percentage of the audience. Hes iconic its a fools game, but Im a fool. Theres great strength in anonymity. You get really bold when youre not seen, so thats one of the things thats so liberating about playing a character like that.
Were there early signs that you might gravitate to voiceovers?
I mean, I was one of those kids that had a Jerry Mahoney dummy and I realized I could say stuff about my relatives that would kill my brothers and sisters. They thought I was the funniest thing in the world and you could blame it on the dummy: Stop that! Oh, dont be so rude to Aunt Bertha! She doesnt know she has that thing on her upper lip. It was quite a learning experience for me: Wow, you can say anything you want and have plausible deniability cause youve got this thing on your lap.
Getting back to Star Wars: Did you have any doubts that Harrison Ford would agree to come back?
Absolutely! At one point, we were back at the hotel and I said to Carrie, You know, the ace in the hole is Harrisons not gonna do this. Why would he? So thats our escape clause. If Im the only one Ill look terrible, but if he doesnt do it I dont have to do it! I just didnt expect it.
I think he secretly loves Han Solo.
Why wouldnt he? I mean, thats sort of like the archetype of the modern, cynical, skeptical leading man. To me, theres no way to overestimate his contribution to the success of those movies because the idea of the Force and this clueless farm boy whos uneducated, its too bland. You need a little spice, a little abrasiveness somebody whos only in it for the money. When Han Solo is cynical, it takes away that weapon from all the cynics in the audience and allows them to enjoy it the way it should be enjoyed.
You once said you were disappointed that the saga ended with Return of the Jedi, right when Luke had really become a Jedi.
I made the analogy its like telling the story of how James Bond got his license to kill and then ending the story there. Because I just got to be what I wanted to be and thats the end of the story? So yeah, theres that.
Youve also tried to remind fans to keep this all in perspective.
You know, I said to people, No matter what we come up with, folks, we cant make everybody thrilled and delighted with our eventual decisions. And the headline ran online: Star Wars VII bound to disappoint, says Mark Hamill. [Laughs] That got me a phone call from the powers that be. Ill tell you another thing you should never say in front of a crowd of Star Wars fans which I heard from George first on the set. The phrase that I used in front of like 5000 fans pumped to the gills, ready to see the trailer was, Its only a movie.
So it was your version of that William Shatner SNL sketch?
Oh, Get a life! [Laughs] No, I mean, its different in the sense that he was attacking the actual character of the person who is a fan. Im trying to appeal to the rational, sane people that know that movies dont really change your life. If you really think that we can make you feel like you were 10 years old at 38, you know whats gonna happen! So just dont think that and youll be fine.
What was the training like? Whenever they said, Mark Hamill is in training, I kept picturing Yoda on your back.
[Laughs] Well, I hate to tell you, but its diet and exercise. I see all these ads on TV, Dont get off the couch! Take this simple pill. Dont change your diet, I said, Oh, thats the training I want! [Points at fruit and vegetable plate] Look at what Im eating now instead of potato chips and bagels with cream cheese. They say, What diet are you on? and I said, Im on the If it tastes good, dont eat it diet. I mean, my trainer said you pick a day and you can cheat. And I dont like that; it just doesnt seem right. I was raised in such a strict upbringing. My father was in the military, hes staunch Roman Catholic, Nixon Republican you can picture it.
So how does J.J. stack up against the other three people whove directed Star Wars movies?
Well, they were all really gifted filmmakers. But its hard to really give you an answer that does it justice without revealing so much that Im not supposed to say! But I would say this about him: He has an enthusiasm about him thats infectious. You know that he really cares about this stuff a lot. Hes a UPF its just that hes also a gifted filmmaker and hes in charge.
Theres only one captain of every starship, see, and Ive worked with Captain Lucas, Captain Kershner, Captain Marquand and now Captain Abrams, and Im well into working with Captain [Rian] Johnson [director of Episode VIII]. Its a fantastic thing, and you look at these films that they make Rian Johnsons never made two films that are exactly alike. Theyre completely different in their own ways, and its really exciting. I love the next generation. Its tremendous, and its kind of hard to be cynical and go, Oh, its just another job. I dont care, when theres so much enthusiasm from that end of things.
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