Weekend Rock Question: Whats the Best Movie of the 2010s? - 27reservation

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Weekend Rock Question: Whats the Best Movie of the 2010s?

It's hard to believe it, butwe're lived through more than half of the 2010s. It's a decade without a real name, though it's destined to be known as the teens. A lot of good movies hit theaters this decade, including Boyhood, Moonrise Kingdom, The Social Network and Her.

Now we have a question for you: What is the best movie of the 2010s? Any movie that came out after December 31st, 2009 counts. Feel free to vote for an animated flick like Toy Story 3, a big budget space film like Interstellar or Gravity, a foreign picture like A Separation, an historical epic like Selma or 12 Years a Slave or an art house movie like Upstream Color. Vote for whatever movie you want, but please only vote once and only for a single selection.

You can vote here in the comments, on facebook.com/RollingStone or on Twitterusing the hashtag #WeekendRock.

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